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Business Model

True ECN Model

The ECN Model gives traders access to the Interbank market. In the ECN model, the counterparty to your trade is another market participant such as a bank, fund or another trader.

Crypto Pocket Base ECN is based on a unique technology for Forex margin trading. Participants of an ECN include banks, centralized exchanges, large companies offering their services in the OTC FOREX (Over the Counter) Market and private investors. Crypto Pocket Base gives its clients institutional liquidity and instantaneous error-free order execution.

Protection of confidential personal information of our clients and partners is Crypto Pocket Base's key priority.

ECN trading is recommended for experienced traders and those who prefer scalping as their major trading strategy. The ECN Model uses Market Execution, which means that your order will be filled in the interbank market but the execution price may differ from the price you requested upon placing the order.

All participants of the ECN

  • All participants have equal rights when it comes to order execution
  • All transactions take place in a completely transparent environment
  • All clients, regardless of their capital, may act as both Liquidity Providers and Liquidity Receivers.

This business model and the unique technology behind Crypto Pocket Base ECN, provides our clients with aggregated liquidity from multiple participants in the FOREX market. This allows Crypto Pocket Base’s clients to easily and instantaneously execute large volume orders.

Crypto Pocket Base ECN puts into practice the modern approach to aggregating liquidity in the FX industry. Its cutting-edge innovative technology allows us to provide market participants with:

  • Tight spreads
  • ECN Liquidity
  • Market Depth Display
  • Instantaneous and error-free execution
  • Each participant acts as liquidity provider

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